September 09, 2014

Seven Habits to Avoid When Working Remotely with Your Client


Many companies are now outsourcing their development or IT departments to a remote team, an excellent opportunity for programmers worldwide. However, when you are working with your client remotely, you need to be at the top of your game. Communication is everything, and listening to the clients’ perspectives, coordinating closely with your teammates, and keeping track of your tasks and time is imperative.

To prevent negative habits from forming and harming your work, here are seven habits to avoid when working remotely with your client:

1. “I can handle everything by myself.”

When tasks require teamwork, the whole team should do it together. Even if you are a team lead, or a senior employee, and you could do the tasks alone, it will help the confidence of the team to work together.

One way to do this is to have the team lead or manager split up the tasks into smaller tasks and assign each to different team members simultaneously. This approach will boost the moral of the team as well as the performance.

2. “It is not possible.”

Sometimes, when you are talking with the client about what they need for a project you may think: “This is not possible.” Remember, a key to success is that optimism and enthusiasm are as important as qualification. Therefore, instead of following a line of thought that narrows your view, always think on a problem it from every angle. This will help you truly decide if a task is possible or not, and think of other options. If it is not possible then you have the valid reasons in hand why it is not, and you can offer other solutions to what the client needs instead.

3. “Only I have the best ideas.”

Always open your mind and listen to other perspectives from your team and client. You might think your idea is simpler and easy to implement, but others’ ideas may point out something you didn’t think of that could better your approach and the project as a whole.

4. “My (personal problem) is more important than my tasks today.”

Don’t link your personal problems with your tasks and responsibilities during work. Keep your mind focused on the work at hand, and do what you can to you perform your best.

Be sure that you are taking care of yourself and staying healthy. It’s your responsibility to be alert and on time to work. Your company needs a passionate person who is eager to learn and completes tasks in a timely manner.

5. “I know it all, already.”

It is a very big personal and professional hurdle if you think you know everything, and have nothing to learn from others. Knowing everything doesn’t make you the best, and it’s important to listen to other perspectives within your team, and sometimes your most junior developers will have the simplest approach to resolving a complex situation. It is the mark of a true leader to listen to others.

6. “This smaller task can wait.”

When you have lot of things to do, you need to prioritize and complete the most urgent tasks first. However, do not forget the smaller, less urgent tasks! You never want to end up sending the work to your client and then have problems because you forgot to implement those small tasks.

That is why you need to prioritize, but be sure to properly track your tasks. Create a list, and when you complete a task cross it off. Go over the list often to make sure you’ve completed everything you need to, and haven’t forgotten a smaller task.

7. “I don’t need to document anything, I can remember it all.”

You should document each and every thing you’ve done, so if you encounter a problem it is easy for you to investigate what could have caused it. This is one of the most important points, and will save you a lot of time and headaches.


To achieve great things you need to be positive, proactive, and professional. By getting rid of negative practices, you can greatly improve your work and personal life!

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