How to Build Trust with Your Virtual Team
At the center of every successful business there is a very important principle: trust. Without trusting employee relationships plans fall through, conflict and tension seem constant, and projects ultimately fail. But how can you build trust within a team that you have never physically met? Without physical contact and accountability building trust can feel impossible. With over ten years in this field, Allshore Virtual Staffing has expertise building successful remote relationships and we’ve put together a few tips for you!
Clarity and Transparency
Most of the issues we see are caused by not meeting expectations, and find that a lot of times expectations haven’t been communicated effectively. Not meeting expectations like this causes trust issues pretty quickly, but these conflicts can be prevented through clarity and transparency.
When you start working with your virtual team, talk to them about your goals. Make sure to set clear expectations to help them understand your processes and avoid confusion. It’s also important to define the roles of your team members and clarify any questions regarding responsibilities and designations.
Don’t hesitate to be completely transparent with your team. Providing clarity of your vision and transparency of your goals will strengthen your bond of trust.
Allowing your team to be flexible is a great way to build trust within your team. Try to avoid micro-managing your remote team, instead try encouraging your team to share their ideas and provide positive, constructive feedback. Allowing your team flexibility will not only keep frustrations at bay and increase trust, but it will also encourage creativity and innovation!
Consistent Communication
If accountability is the lock – securing and protecting trust – communication is the key. Communicating with your team regularly helps them stay on track, provides motivation, and encourages them to speak up. We recommend having webcam calls when able, face-to-face communication humanizes everyone on the team and discourages anonymity.
As a project manager, encourage your team to communicate openly and ask questions. Creating a transparent, positive environment assures your team by allowing everyone to trust each other and work together toward a common goal.
Trust the Process
While flexibility and creativity are encouraged, it is still important to set boundaries and create a process for your project development. Putting goals and deadlines in place will provide a sense of responsibility and purpose. Additionally, creating a task list or a process for development prevents loss of productivity.
Building trust and keeping it requires effort, but with Allshore, you are not alone! Our management team was built to promote trust and accountability between you and your virtual employees. Following these guidelines will not only help you secure the success of your project; it ensures a successful, lasting business relationship with Allshore and your virtual team!
If you’re interested in what Allshore has to offer, reach out to us today!